When pregnant with my first, my partner and I had the hardest time thinking of naming another human. For months we struggled. Whereas other first time expectant parents may have been consumed with the latest and greatest gear or perhaps which fruit was most analogous in size to their growing progeny, all we could think about was the enormity of naming another human. In hindsight it seems a little silly, nevertheless it was all consuming. I was overdue and we were still without a name. So we decided that if we really want to imagine this name - across all the seasons of life - we should stand in the living room and holler the name at the top of our lungs. Like you might imagine screaming from the bottom of the stairs to rouse a poorly rested teenager. And while we stood in the living room screaming - me massively over-pregnant and exhausted - only one name felt right to the both of us - Danny. Three days later I went into labor and when Danny was born, we knew it was right.
-Erin, Downingtown, PA USA